Liveness Detection Android SDK
Face Liveness Detction Android SDK
Last updated
Face Liveness Detction Android SDK
Last updated
Copy the SDK (libfacesdk
folder) to the root
folder in your project.
Add SDK to the project in settings.gradle
Add dependency to your build.gradle
var0 (String): The license string
Return value
The SDK activation status code.
0: Success
Non-zero: Activation failed
var0 (AssetManager): An instance of AssetManager used to access application assets
Return value
The SDK initialization status code.
0: Success
-1: License Key Error
-2: License AppID Error
-3: License Expired
-4: Activate Error
-5: Initialize SDK Error
var0 (Bitmap): The Bitmap image
var1 (FaceDetectionParam): Parameters for face detection
Return value
A list of FaceBox objects representing the detected faces and their liveness scores.
The liveness score ranges from 0.0 to 1.0
If it's greater than the threshold, it's real face